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What’s Next After Your Spiritual Awakening.

What’s Next After a spiritual awakening?

December 13, 2024

What’s Next After your spiritual awakening?

Congratulations, you’ve gone through a spiritual awakening! Welcome to the excitement and chaos of discovering that there’s more to life than you previously may have thought.

But what comes next?
How do we begin to navigate our lives once everything feels like it has tilted on its axis? In this video I’m talking about some simple steps you can do to become consciously aware of yourself and your energy – especially when faced with challenging situations.

Many people go through the journey of awakening in recognizable steps.
There is first the joy and excitement and discovery of so much new information! And then comes time to integrate the overload. So you begin by learning to use your instinct, intuition, and discernment – deciding what you’re going to hold onto and believe. And just as important, what you are going to let go of because it doesn’t resonate.

Next can come a challenging time.
Now you want to let everybody know all about these exciting and wonderful things you have found! You want to talk to your friends and coworkers and family. But not everybody is in the same place as you are. The lesson at this stage and a major step in awakening is the challenge of learning to respect the journey of others. Trying to rush another’s process takes away their discovery, which is an essential part of the journey.

Your challenge is that you may suddenly feel very alone. Like nobody understands you, or that you feel you are being shunned, discarded, or not taken seriously. And this naturally can lead to feelings of depression, frustration, and anxiety.
This state is often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul.

You may be dealing with the loss of friends,  a shift in jobs or home and the reality that those who felt very close to you – suddenly aren’t.

Its difficult and each person has their own unique set of circumstances. But they are happening to help you learn to rely on yourself. To go through the stage of challenge to discover what works for you. Learning to rely on yourself in choosing what you want to do moving forward.  Aligning yourself with those who understand and support you and taking on what feels true and letting go what does not.

Awakening Spiritually is not for the fainthearted, but guess what? You’re not!
You wouldn’t be here going through this if you didn’t already have the strength to do so. Remember that the most important part of this process is learning how valuable you are. Now more than ever, taking care of yourself body mind and spirit is essential! 

In the video I share a few simple techniques you can do to help you get through some of the rough patches.
Lastly, I want to remind you that you are not alone. Many have gone through this and there is always support around you. It is simply a matter of reaching out for it. Find trusted colleagues, friends, family or professionals and reach out.

Remember, you’ve got this and you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Thank you for being on the earth plane at this time dear one.
Thank you for being you


Let me know in the comments if this video helps you and I’m glad you stopped by.

Still feeling a bit lost? Need help with feeling lonely or going though your spiritual awakening? Chat with me and see if working together is right for you.
1-1 Guidance and Starseed Readings

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