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The Starseed Mantra

The Starseed Mantra

june 15, 2023

A few years ago I started doing this thing
I wrote this daily mantra and began to say it every day . At the time I didn’t think of it as a mantra.  It was really a channeling in a sense. Unlike my usual ones from a particular Galactic group or Ascended Masters or Angelics, it was coming from my higher self.  And from me.

Over time, the words and their frequency began to connect deeply with me in a somatic way. I incorporated physical self-care movement and sayings as well. (bonus if you read to the end because I’m sharing exactly how I do it!)  Then something about all of it fit together and simply made me feel incredibly grounded and in the present moment. Still does.

I have shared my saying  numerous times here and there. But I don’t think I’ve ever gone out of my way to talk about the process. And I definitely didn’t create pretty, fancy infographics like the one below. Ha ha!

This is for you, by the way. Feel free to right click and download that to share to your social media or even pop it on your phone or computer if it resonates.

The starseed mantra. Say daily to enjoy peace and relaxation in your spiritual awakening.


How to describe energy as words?
As I was trying to come up with a word or descriptor for what this saying was to me. I went through many different ideas. Yet ultimately I really like the idea of a mantra. Not in relation to Eastern or religious philosophies or meanings.  But rather as something that feels sacred and special.

As Spiritual Beings having a human existence, it is important to remember that the source of our power truly comes from the embodiment of our light and physical body.

Part of what voicing this Mantra does, is anchor you back into your awareness of remembering. Yet without the spiritual drifting. As you likely know, that is super easy and everybody loves it when they’re there. But then you have to come back! And sometimes it’s challenging to be in the body. Especially as you’re going through your awakening.


Let’s take it to the next level – Somatize it!
If you want to go a bit deeper into this, you can incorporate physical movement with the words like I have. Somatics are basically a way of imprinting a sensation, thought or belief into your physicality. Ye olde mind-body connection if you will.  In this particular instance, it helps to ritualize the movement and connect your physical body to the vibrational frequency of the mantra. As you repeat the process, your body remembers it. And the cool thing, is that the movement triggers a relaxtion response.

I’ll share what I do, but feel free to adjust however you like

The Starseed Mantra with body movement
I begin by sitting cross-legged on the floor, but you can be in a chair or standing.

I extend my arms out palms down and say I am the joy
keeping my arms out, I flip my palms up and say I am the light
then I bring my arms up over my head palms touching and say I am the stars in the darkest of nights

I intersect my fingers then turn my palms up ( this gives you a really nice stretch especially if you’ve been on your computer all day ! )
and say I am all things, and all things are me

Allow your fingers to release and slowly let your arms come back down to the starting position and then pull them into a big self hug and say I Love myself
Allow your arms to relax and cross them with other arm on top and say I Love my body

Do a side bend to the left with your right arm coming up to wherever is comfortable and say I like myself
Repeat to the right with your left arm coming over and say I like my body

Come back to the starting position sitting with both arms extending out and Palms down
flip your palms up and as you do say And I remember who I am!
Let your arms come up overhead and intersect your fingers and stretch up again – as you were doing this full movement say I am the Divine Light infinite having an experience in this human body in the third dimensional playground.
And I remember who I am

You can end the sequence here.
Or continue with more somatics and the extended mantra

Personally, I let my arms drop down and put right and left hand on areas of the body where I feel needs some healing attention ( usually one on the front side of the body and the other on the back side. don’t overthink it, just go with your intuition let your arms and hands go exactly where they want to be) and say I respect my body
Then flip places with your hand in the opposite positions and say I respect myself

And the last is placing a palms over your heart space with the other hand on top and say I trust my body
Reverse your hands and say I trust myself

Come back to the starting position sitting with both arms extending out and Palms down
flip your palms up and as you do say And I remember who I am!
Let your arms come up overhead and intersect your fingers and stretch up again – as you were doing this full movement say I am the Divine Light infinite having an experience in this human body in the third dimensional playground.
And I remember who I am

Feel free to alter and edit as feels comfortable. I also find incorporating breath with the movement quite nice. and on days where I’m very tired I sometimes say the words in my head. but as always, use your discernment and do what works for you.


Right. so this was a big personal share for me. Something that I really hope connects with you on some level and I would really appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments if you find this useful.

I’d love to hear if you have your own starseed prayer or mantra. Or saying.

Share if you feel comfortable. Remember, you never know who you might be helping simply by telling what you’re going through because someone reading the comments might feel too shy or vulnerable to do the same.

Love ya dear one and see you in the next post


Thank you for being on the earth plane at this time dear one.
Thank you for being you

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This Starseed Mantra is a beautiful way to remind yourself of who you are as a spiritual being having a human existence during your spiritual awakening.
This is for you as a starseed, lightworker, wayshower, spiritual seeker, or someone on your awakening journey. 

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