How does Manifesting Actually Work?
How Does Manifesting ACTUALLY Work?
June 27, 2023
The Art of Manifesting
There are hundreds of methods out there, all with the same base idea: to focus on the energy and emotions of what it is that you want to happen in order to create it. We know that thought can produce matter, but how does it all actually work together? And why does it sometimes feel like it takes forever for anything to happen?
There are hundreds of methods out there, all with the same base idea: to focus on the energy and emotions of what it is that you want to happen in order to create it. We know that thought can produce matter, but how does it all actually work together? And why does it sometimes feel like it takes forever for anything to happen?
In this excerpt from the full length video Why does change take so long? Arcturian light codes for starseeds the Arcturians talk about the difference between manifesting large and small ideas. The concept is that ideas are harder to manifest because they are so much bigger. Or that ‘bigger’ has more value. But more that there are more and different paradigms which must come into alignment.
The ultimate message is that it’s important to remember to look at the big picture instead of being frustrated at our own timelines and agendas. And always to be gentle on ourselves and know that we are contributing to the greater good and change, simply by being ourselves.
Want to Learn more about Manifesting? Check out other short videos on my Lightcode Youtube channel
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